Sylvan Archers is a private club located in Wilsonville, Oregon. We have a practice range out to 100 yards, complete NFAA field courses, broadhead pit and a 3-D course.
Sylvan Archers will host certain archery competitions throughout the year, please check our calendar for event dates.
We have contracted with a lawn care crew to mow the lawn on Wednesday mornings between 9am and 11am. Please alter your plans to accommodate this maintenance day.
We have noticed a lot of broken arrows and trash around the courses and on the practice range. Please try to leave the club in better shape than how you found it.
Important Reminder!
Broad heads are absolutely not allowed to be shot anywhere at Sylvans other than the broadhead pit. The sole exception being the Broadhead League gatherings where special targets and course precautions are taken. Shooting broad heads is grounds for suspension or removal of membership per item 8 of the General Rules.
This meeting will be hosted by Zoom
Click Here for Zoom Meeting Link
Club meetings are the first Thursday of most months. Your don't have to be a board member to attend!
Please see this link for more information
Sylvan Range
15930 SW Bell Road
Sherwood, OR 97140
Sylvan Archers’ range is a fun and friendly place to bring you family and friends. To help maintain this level requires certain guidelines. They are simple and are designed to insure Sylvan Archers can continue to serve our community, as we have for over 7 decades.
The beautiful Sylvan range is not a public facility. It is for the exclusive use of its members and their guests only. From time to time we do open the range up to anyone during certain special events. As a concession to our members who wish to show off the range to their friends/guest, the club has reasonably limited the number of times a guest can come on the range before becoming a member to two visits only.
Sylvan shooting ranges including the sight-in range is Alcohol Free.
Camping is allowed at Sylvan Archers range for members & qualifying NFAA members for a period of no longer than 7 consecutive days & not more than 7 days within a 30 day period. Any exceptions to this rule must be approved by the President or any of the vice presidents or by the entire board. A signed written permission must be given to the requester which would list the dates inclusively.
There are no RV hook up's and no RV sewage dumping of any kind on the property. Restrooms are available 24 hours every day.
No firearms, BB guns, pellet guns or paintball guns, are allowed to be shot anywhere on Sylvan property.
There is no hunting of any kind on Sylvan property.
All members are required to know and obey the club rules. Please see the Rules Link for a more specific list of club rules.
The Officers & Board members thank you for your cooperation. Have a great time at our club!